The parable of the Morning Song (a modern take on the parable of the Great Banquet)

Published on 13 December 2024 at 18:51

God wants to make clear that the parable of the Great Banquet does not literally refer to people who are wealthy. There are rich individuals who find a relationship with God very important despite having very busy schedules and other things to focus on.

The parable of the morning song


Early one morning, as the sun began to rise over the Galilean Sea, Jesus awoke to greet the new day. He stepped outside his lodging and breathed in the cool, crisp air. As the darkness retreated and the sky brightened, he closed his eyes and listened closely to the world coming alive. 

At first there was silence, but then Jesus detected a soft melody riding upon the morning breeze. It started low but soon swelled into a chorus of chirps, trills and whistles. "Listen for songs upon the breeze - 'tis the birds welcoming the morn," he thought. 

Jesus smiled as the birds' melody filled his heart with joy and gratitude. But he knew some in the nearby village would not hear the birdsong - they would awaken late with minds clouded by resentment over yesterday's troubles. Others would hear the tune but dismiss it as a bothersome racket. And some would be up early but too preoccupied to notice the music all around them.

"One must have ears to hear and eyes to see the gifts freely given each new day," Jesus said to himself. "Yet even birds, who lack reason, arise singing praises to the Creator. If only people knew that life's challenges are given to build strength, not squelch joy."  

Jesus walked slowly to town, listening to the birds' cheerful song gradually fade behind him. He would teach today about finding resilience even amid adversity, like the hardy slug underfoot, inching ahead whatever obstacle lay before it. And he would speak of each person having a spirit with boundless potential, if only they would listen for its whisper and have faith in its power. 

Jesus hoped to help people see that, just like the slug, they could keep moving forward however heavy the burden. And that if they cared for their spirit, it would give them the strength and grit to weather life's tests. By tuning their ears and hearts to the song around and within them, they too could awake each morning with joy and live boldly, whatever the day held. For those with ears to hear, the world was not merely full of trials - it was also full of great beauty, wisdom and unlimited possibilities. If only people would listen for the song upon the breeze.