The living word of God - December 15th, 2024

Published on 30 December 2024 at 20:49

This is for anyone who thinks that the Bible is just a book of gossip, a retelling of hear-say, some people just writing things down that they saw in visions. 

This video shows the Word of God is way older than the Bible. Because the Word of God is a living word, and as such has come to earth more than once.  Both the Old Testament as well as the New Testament have been recorded before the Bible. And if need be, will be recorded again, as the living word of God is embodied on earth again.

This video makes sense because in every ancient culture, their alphabet was not just an alphabet, but rather a calendar (and thus a record of historical events), as well as a keeper of wisdom in ancient cultures.

There's a fair chance that if you look far enough back in any ancient culture, that they all at one point believed in a singular god, a god with the exact same characteristics as described in the Bible.

Just like in ancient poetry - such as for example old norse poetry e.g. the Eda, names always need to be translated to encover the real meaning of the poetry. When translated, ancient Gods for example such as Thor were referring to natural scientific phenomena of which some are yet to be understood by scientists to this day.

Also translating the names that are written down within the Bible, will uncover new and important layers of meaning in scripture. So it's worthy of Bible study. 

The fact that these names and its consecutive order hold meaning, is another indication that it is a living word of God and not just a retelling of some people having visions that were recorded in a book.